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Ask Th​e A​dvocate



Email Address*


Are you believing the false belief that the sexual abuse was your fault? Do you feel alone, guilt or shamed by what happened to you?  All of your feelings are real.  The abuse was not your fault!  

Each survivor story is different and unique and it takes a lot of courage to take the first step toward healing.  It doesn't matter how long ago your abuse occurred, it's never too late to find freedom, hope and healing through Christ. 

Please fill out the form completely.  Allow 36 hours for a response.  NOTE: May remain anonymous. 

© 2025 ARISE! International, Inc


National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN)

800.656.4673 (Free-24/7) 


Turning Point Rape Crisis Center 

24-Hour Crisis Hotline (24/7) - 800.886.7273


Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center

24-Hour Crisis Hotline (24/7) 972.641.7273


Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - Free 24/7

Call or Text: 988 - Chat: 988LIFELINE.ORG 

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