ARISE! International, Inc
22nd Silent NO More!
22nd Silent NO More!
A Celebration of Recovery
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
ZOOM Video Conferencing
7-8:30PM CST

Elizabeth Gaston Cunningham
Guest Speaker
Elizabeth Gaston Cunningham
Guest Speaker
Parental abandonment, childhood sexual abuse, sexual assault, and domestic violence—these set the stage for Elizabeth Cunningham’s decades-long battle with debilitating fear, depression, low self-worth, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and codependency.
In her 17-year journey toward recovery, God has shown Elizabeth how to grow beyond the pain of her past; trust herself, God, and others; and move authentically from victim to victory. Today, Elizabeth helps other women overcome barriers to reaching their God-given potential—as a Shelter from the Storm© group leader, mentor, certified Christian Life Coach, and speaker.
During her 40-year communications career, Elizabeth has served on the staff of Christ for the Nations (CRU), edited a national nursing magazine, worked in PR and fundraising for an international prison ministry, and managed corporate communications for a Fortune 200 company. She worked for 11 years as Special Assistant to Hope for the Heart Founder June Hunt, helping her write and edit a dozen top-selling biblical-counseling books. Elizabeth is also a contributing author to "Coaching the Coach: Life Coaching Stories & Tips for Transforming Lives."
Now a freelance communications consultant and editor, Elizabeth and her husband, Randy, live in their hometown of San Antonio. They have a three grown children (four, counting Zeke, their French Bulldog) and two grandsons.