ARISE! International, Inc
Your monthly financial support provides adult female survivors of child sexual abuse with a safe community and safe people in order to heal emotionally, socially and spiritually. Our partners will receive an introductory gift and a quarterly letter updating them on our progress.

I was living such a defeated life! I had no joy, no peace and I was constantly being tormented with thoughts, mindsets and self-talk that did not lineup with God’s Word.
My third semester began January 15th, 2019-April 30th, 2019. It’s been almost a year since I have completed my journey through the Shelter from the Storm© curriculum; for the first time in my life I can honestly say I have real joy! True peace! And I can finally sleep peacefully through the entire night! I was so tormented I did NOT sleep at night.
Today, I continue my journey! I set personal boundaries and I am NOT afraid to speak and tell my truth! I have gone from a victim; living a defeated life; to survivor; learning and applying the tools to make positive changes based upon God’s Word! To one who is now THRIVING IN LIFE!!!
—Kim, Spring 2019 Graduate

Why Partner?
Sexual abuse is frequently committed by someone known to the child (i.e., parent, family member, step-parent, uncle, cousin, brother, clergy, teacher, coach, neighbor, etc). Children do not have the power to stop sexual abuse therefore they become easy prey for abusers. The sad reality is that many who were abused as children continue to suffer in silence as adults from the effects of sexual trauma years after being exploited and taken advantage of. Unfortunately, many never receive the appropriate inner healing they need and deserve.
ARISE! International Outreaches - Join our family of monthly givers helping to support survivors.
Christ-Centered Support Groups​
Christ-Centered Support Groups​
Providing emotional support for adult female survivors ages 18 and up through our forty five week recovery program, Shelter from the Storm©.
Survivor Mentor Program
Survivor Mentor Program
The eight week mentor program provides education and community in a safe environment and with safe people so clients can begin their healing process or the continuation of their healing. Each client is assigned a mentor to provide emotional support and address questions and concerns.
Domestic Outreach​
Domestic Outreach​
We are impacting communities throughout the United Stares of America by providing virtual recovery groups that foster community, hope and healing.
Awards Ceremony
Awards Ceremony
Semi-annual celebration commemorating graduating clients and awarding them the Star of Excellence Award for their determination and commitment to recovery.