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Sexual assault is always the offender's fault - you are not at fault! - It's A CRIME! 
  • Go to a safe place away from the offender
  • Preserve all evidence of the assault
  • Don't bathe, wash your hands, brush your teeth, smoke, eat or drink
  • Preserve the crime area: do not clean up or straighten anything from your surroundings
  • Call 911
  • Call Crisis Hotline - Turning Point Rape Crisis Center -  24-Hour Crisis Hotline (24/7) - 800.886.7273

Seek medical assistance for post sexual assault assistance at the following locations in Dallas County:

  1. Methodist Dallas Medical Center (Beckley Ave & Colorado) - Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) Program
  2. Parkland Hospital (VIP Rape Crisis Center) Harry Hines Blvd
  3. Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital (Walnut Hill Lane) - Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) Program

Learn more at

What is SANE/SART? 

What is victim blaming? 

Victim blaming statements assume that the individual (person who was victimized) is equally to blame for the abuse, when in reality the abuse is a conscious chose made by the abuser. 

Examples of victim blaming may include things like:

  • 'You had to know what was going to happen if you went up to that person's apartment."
  • "You shouldn't have been drinking."
  • "You must have sent mixed messages."
  • "Was your door even locked?"
  • "What were you wearing?" (Clothing is not a form of consent)
  • "How hard did you try to stop it?"

Regardless of the circumstances, no person has the right to force or coerce another person into sexual activity against his or her will. 

Consent (freedom to choose) is a key issue in the definition of sexual violence. Consent means to make a mutual, voluntary and an informed decision between clear minded, of age participants before any and every sexual act. Actually hearing yes coming out of someone's mouth without being forced, coerced or threatened. 

Why is consent important? 

Without consent any form (visual, verbal and physical) of sexual activity is considered sexual violence. 


MYTH: Sexual assault is an act of lust and passion that can’t be controlled.

FACT: Sexual assault is about power and control and is not motivated by sexual gratification. It is a crime of violence! No one asks or deserves to be sexually assaulted. Perpetrators are responsible for their own choices and actions. 

MYTH: Wearing revealing clothing, behaving provocatively, or drinking a lot means the victims was "asking for it." 

FACT: The perpetrator selects the victim, the victims behavior or clothing choices do not mean that they are consenting to sexual activity. 

MYTH: Victims provoke sexual assault by the way they act or dress. 

FACT: No one asks to be raped. What someone is wearing and how they are acting have nothing to do with being raped. Women of all ages and all lifestyles are raped. Studies have shown that 71% of rapes are planned ahead of time, making what you are wearing or how you are acting unimportant. Rape is about power and control, not sex.  Clothing is not a form of consent. 

MYTH: It wasn't sexual abuse if you didn't have intercourse.

FACT: Sexual abuse can occur in three categories: visual, verbal and physical.  If you didn't agree (consent) to the sexual activity, it was sexual abuse. Even if there was no or very little physical contact, if you felt like you had no other choice (i.e., threatened, etc) it was sexual abuse. 

MYTH: If you were high or drunk when it happened, it was your own fault.

FACT: Getting drunk or high doesn't mean you deserve to be sexually abused.  Even though it's important to be aware of where you are and what you're doing in order to keep safe, the perpetrator is always at fault. 

MYTH: If you aren't physically hurt (hit, punched, pushed to the ground, etc.) it isn't really abuse. 

FACT: Emotional pressure (including threats) can be just as bad as physical force.  If you were made to do something sexual that you didn't want to do, it's sexual abuse--no matter what kind of force the perpetrator used. 


MYTH: If the perpetrator was drunk or high when it happened, it wasn't really his/her fault. 

FACT: Lots of people drink or use drugs and never sexually abuse anyone.  Being drunk or high is no excuse for abuse.  Sexual abuse is always the perpetrator's responsibility.

MYTH: Sexual violence can sometimes be the victims fault.  

FACT: Sexual violence is NEVER the victim’s fault. It doesn’t matter if the victim was dressed seductively, drinking or using drugs, out at night alone, on a date with the perpetrator, etc. No one asks to be raped or sexually assaulted. The responsibility and blame lie with the perpetrator, never with the victim.

MYTH: If you were sexually involved with the person in the past, it can't be sexual abuse.  

FACT: It's your body.  You have the right to say what happens and when.  No matter what you've done before, no one has the right to force you into doing anything sexual. 

MYTH: If a victim of sexual assault does not fight back, they must have thought the assault was not bad or they wanted it.  

FACT: Many survivors experience reactive immobility or "fight, flight, freeze."  This response is the body's automatic built in system designed to protect us from threat or danger.  Many survivors during an assault can not physically move or speak.  Everyone responds to trauma differently.

MYTH: Wearing revealing clothing, behaving provocatively or drinking a lot means the victims was "asking for it.
FACT: The perpetrator selects the victim (conscious choice). The victim's behavior or clothing do not mean that they are consenting to sexual activity.  

MYTH: Getting help is expensive for survivors of assault.

FACT: Services such as counseling and advocacy are offered for free or at a low cost by sexual assault service providers. 

MYTH: If you're abused by somebody who's the same sex as you, it means you're gay.

FACT: Sexual abuse is a crime. It's about power and control, not desire. The sex of the perpetrator doesn't say anything about whether the victim is straight or gay. 


Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault (LASSA) 

The LASSA hotline is answered by attorneys seven days a week. 

Please call (844) 303-SAFE (7233).  Visit website for more info.

Texas Advocacy Project

Free Legal Help - 800.374.HOPE (4673)

© 2025 ARISE! International, Inc


National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN)

800.656.4673 (Free-24/7) 


Turning Point Rape Crisis Center 

24-Hour Crisis Hotline (24/7) - 800.886.7273


Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center

24-Hour Crisis Hotline (24/7) 972.641.7273


Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - Free 24/7

Call or Text: 988 - Chat: 988LIFELINE.ORG 

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